>You open the book titled β€˜Illustrated Short Stories for Troubled Ghouls.’

>It’s filled with comics.

BlightKeeper (2020)

A parable depicting the lament and self hatred expressed by Blight, a malformed creature covered in perpetually oozing sores, as she struggles with loneliness and longing for her only companion, her caretaker, an enigmatic cyborg.

Circuitous Transmissions (2020)

The short telling of a space cadet’s pathetic attempts to rekindle what was once a secret red hot love affair aboard the S.S. Regolith.

A Series of Related but Non-Sequential Pages (2020)

Made in the wake of an Earth-shattering break-up.

House Guests (2018)

Jez gives her visiting friend a brief tour of her apartment, which she happens to share with a host of bizarre entities.

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