

While generally self-possessed and level-headed, she sometimes displays a decidedly opinionated and stubborn side. She likes to act tough, but despite her looming stature she wouldn’t have good odds in a fight. She is actually very compassionate and emotional, and if you buy her a couple drinks you’ll find that out for yourself.

The usual attitude she displays is seen as lazy or unmotivated, this is actually masking a passionate inner drive. She is very dedicated to the things she believes in.

Most say she comes off as cold at first but soon come to find that she gives love freely and unconditionally where she sees it is deserved.

Above all else she values her independence. If she ever finds herself in a situation where she feels trapped, she will claw her way out by any means possible.

Fun Fact: She is missing her upper-right canine tooth. She will tell you that she lost it in a bar fight. She actually lost it when she slipped in the shower.